Iseng jalan-jalan nelusuri mbah Google, tak tahunya ketemu sama tulisan Sue Bonnington (chief editor salah satu kolom di media The Jakarta Globe yang juga aktris blues, mengenai profil dirinya silahkan ketik di google dengan kata kunci namanya pasti muncul ratusan record). Ia menulis panjang tentang saya dengan judul “Stand Up and Make Your Voice Heard“. Iseng jalan-jalan nelusuri mbah Google, tak tahunya ketemu sama tulisan Sue Bonnington (chief editor salah satu kolom di media The Jakarta Globe yang juga aktris blues, mengenai profil dirinya silahkan ketik di google dengan kata kunci namanya pasti muncul ratusan record). Ia menulis panjang tentang saya dengan judul “Stand Up and Make Your Voice Heard“.
Meskipun ini agak narsis, tapi perlu diutarakan. Minimal ada kebanggaan buat pribadi, sekaligus barangkali bisa memotivasi yang lain. Selain itu, ciri utama seorang blogger adalah “narsis”. Kalau tidak narsis ya jadi wartawan. Paling namanya terpampang kecil di sudut kanan bawah, itu pun inisialnya saja.
Apa yang ditulis oleh Sue Bonnington? Saya kutip beberapa paragraf dari tulisannya. Plis cekidot (karena ia nulis pakai bahasa Inggris):
“Together, the groups came up with a plan to hold the cellular providers responsible, because they actually have the authority to deal with the problem. Harja Saputra, the leader of Voice of Humanism, said, “Because content providers, as the credit thieves, seek shelter under the cellular providers roof, it means there is a collaboration between the two providers.”
Get the message out using websites, BlackBerry Messenger, Twitter, Facebook, and SMS, the activists circulated a simple message to users nationwide, switch off your phones between 10 a.m. and noon on Saturday Oct. 15 and watch the cellular providers suffer!
Harja Saputra said, “If consumers turn off their cellphones simultaneously for two hours, operators will lose a 120-minute chance to make money,” said Harja Saputra. The action would not hurt the companies much, but would warn them of how much power was literally in their customers hands.
“We, as consumers, have the right to turn off our cellphones anytime we want. If everyone in Indonesia turned off their cellphones simultaneously, cellular providers will see what the consumers can do,” one group said in a message circulated by BlackBerry Messenger.
For three days the public held its collective breath to see what the result would be. And on Oct. 18 the miracle happened. The Indonesian Telecommunication Regulatory Body (BRTI) issued a letter to mobile phone operators to stop the practice for premium services, and Communications and Information Technology Minister Tifatul Sembiring announced that all premium services that cut phone credit, including text messaging and ring back tones, would stop immediately.
And it all began with one person.
Luar biasa, amazing, Chief Editor media asing dan aktris blues saja nulis tentangku. Suatu kehormatan tersendiri. Kalau dari media massa lokal sudah banyak banget, untuk media internasional berbahasa inggris baru The Jakarta Globe. Semoga menjadi penyemangat untuk terus menulis dan berbuat.**[harja saputra]