Many days spending my times to solve the little problem but disturbing enough. When I share article to the facebook: image and description from meta description I wrote not showing. Just link and domain name of my website that written. Surfing to many forums, and did many suggestions from many people in forums but didn’t work.
Some people suggest me to do a debugging facebook feature from this address: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/ . Yes, the problem solved but only temporary. Imagine, we wrote many article and we have to do debugging using facebook feature. This is very unusefull solution.
The problem is facebook can not detect open graph (og:) from my site. So if I share facebook, debugging always shows that there is no og: url even it is already exist. Written: “The ‘og:url’ property should be explicitly provided, even if a value can be inferred from other tags”.
I am using Joomla CMS version 3.24 and the solution for facebook share is only to do some ways:
1. Just disable Gzip compression from configuration in system menu. Joomla 3.x has bug so far for sharing to facebook if gzip activated.
2. Disable facebook comment I added to the end of html item for K2 Component.
My problem solved. Sharing to facebook no more problem.**[harjasaputra]